DYmond Series - X-ray inspection system
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DYmond 40 - 80 - 120 - 160

DYmond - X-ray inspection solution

The DYmond range combines high performance with low-power components and a very compact size.
With their innovative design, these systems are suitable for a wide range of applications and are extremely easy to install and maintain.
Plus, the components of the system that transports, rejects and collects rejected products are fully modular, so custom-made solutions for any line layout requirements can be defined quickly, at a reasonable cost.

Products that may be inspected:

DYmond 120HP - 160HP

DYmond - X-ray inspection solution

Dylog launches the new Dymond HP series in the vertical beam machines segment.
Thanks to the know-how experience coming from the Dymond series, the family grows, now covering a wider range of products, thanks to a larger inspection tunnel and a more powerful x-ray source, just requiring a simple air conditioner instead of an external water cooler.
The tracking system is simple and robust: only two rollers (the drum motor and the idle one), suitable to handle heavy products up to 50kg combined with a quick and simple to adjust tensioning system.

Products that may be inspected:

DYmond S-DSV-D-M

DYmond S - X-rey inspection system

With the models DYmond S, D and M, Dylog has manufactured a machine with side point of view that combines all the benefits of belt machines in terms of simple use, quick installation, a low cost and inexpensive maintenance.
The machine can be installed on a simple straight belt that already exists, and alignment of the X-ray source and detector requires just a few simple operations, thanks to the innovative numbered notch system.

Products that may be inspected:

Area that may be inspected:

180mm (width) x 275mm (height)